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Friday, March 25, 2011


oh anyeonghaseyo.. mianhae havent blogged for a week! i had a problem logging in.. alright its nearly 3am.. and i feel soooooooooooo sleeeppyyyyy.. the laptop is burning HOT!! and im sweating all over!
ok so today after we went shopping my dad stop at se7en eleven.. so i told my mum i wana go.. well she let me of course.. i wana check if theres e-pop magazine.. but its totally finished! then i found Yezz! magazine.. wen i look at the cover there was 2PM on it at the bottom!! i was so shocked!!! i just like straight thinking shud i buy this or not for a min! i didnt have enough moneyyyyy... and theres only one!! OTTOKHAE!!!! ggrrr.. i shud ave bring RM5.00!!
btw.. today after skool.. me and my neighbour Wani went out with my dad to his work.. cus he has this likke festival robot competition.. and it was kinda lame.. i kno im not nice.. well i think cus they dne it in the morning properly.. then afternoon many people have to pray.. eat.. rest.. so thts why there wasnt any people.. so wat we do is just eating..drinking.. checking things.. then i got tummy ache.. so anoooooyyeed of it!! now im cool..
okk im off now.. really need to sleep.. my eyes keep being closed.. and my body so hot feels like i wana open my shirt!! dnt worry.. i wnt! no way im doing tht.. ughhh..

ok BuByee.. ^^

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